You see it often in large shopping complexes. Customers seem to be flocking to a certain stall in large droves. There is a special attraction that cannot be explained.
Isn't it great to see your own customers flocking to you in droves, like bees to honey? Could you do with some extra attraction to your business?
In most of our marketing efforts, the sense of sight reigns supreme. Banners and billboards catch customer's eyes at every corner of the street. These visual statements can be very effective if used correctly. The message they convey can be bold or or even subtle.
However, there is another way to attract people. It's a subtle approach that is often overlooked.
It's by using the sense of smell. Have you ever tried to use the sense of smell to bring in business? Could it be the break that you are looking for?
Shopping mall owners know how to use it to their advantage. People tend to feel happy or relaxed when there is a pleasant smell around them. Aromatic perfumes are sprayed at regular intervals to make people feel happy and in the mood to buy.
Smells do have a way of influencing our behavior!
Chemicals called pheromones have a way of influencing animals especially during mating time. Researchers have uncovered more and more of the secrets of smells in their study of attraction.
Mammals and insects are known to be attracted to their mates even from far away places. It's almost like magic! And it's a natural phenomenon.
Now come the million dollar question. Can you make use of pheromone chemicals to help in your business? If people are somehow attracted to you, will you have a better chance to present your sales pitch more effectively, and more frequently?
How about the response from your audience? Will they be more receptive to someone they like?
If your customer comes with a relaxed frame of mind, do you think you have a better chance to close a sale?
Everybody has a better opinion of a salesperson who smells good. Your sales pitch could somehow become more inviting.
And they may not even realize why!
They might not even know what attracts them to the product you are selling!
You may want to try out this form of marketing for yourself. Perhaps it might work for you. Check it out at Business Scents
About the Author
Many years of working experience in Marine, Facilities, Construction has given the author material for writing e-books and articles related to engineering, and management. Subscribe to facworld ezine More information at Marine and M & E
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