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Paul Sparks
- Online English Lesson Plans, Lesson Material and Ideas for Oral English
Lessons, Hunan University of Science and Technology...
Requests - Politeness
Lesson Objective: Students will recognize
different levels of politeness.
Being Polite:
Politeness in requests can be marked in a variety of ways in English, not
only with the word "please". Asking other people to do things is
known as making a request. Requests take many different forms and may be
very polite, moderately polite or not very polite (rude).
ACTIVITY: Students form groups and look at the
list of requests on the handout. They need to sort the request forms into
three categories: Very Polite, Moderately Polite and Not Very Polite (there
will be some differences in opinion). Sort these request forms into the
three categories:
Won't you sit
Could you sit
Can't you sit
Sit down, why
don't you!
Would you like to
sit down?
Please sit down.
May I ask you to
sit down?
Will you sit down?
Would you sit
down, please?
Please! (gesture
towards the chair to indicate sitting down)
I'd like you to
sit down.
Sit down.
Sit down, will
Sit down would
Would you mind
sitting down?
I was wondering if
you would like to sit down.
Could I get you to
sit down?